Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Research for the thriller coursework

Conventions of the genre:
  • mysterious phone caller
  • weapons
  • a secret organisation opposing threat
  • sophisticated villain/antagonist
  • resourceful protagonist
  • suspense
  • protagonist usually 'wins the day'
  • flashback of an important character building memory or/and containing a clue to solving the mystery
  • a false hero
  • Macguffin
  • fast paced action sequences
Research into real films of the genre: (other films watched, ideas, references etc)
Using The Manchurian Candidate as a model of a conspiracy thriller in the film there are elements including:
  • a secret organisation working against the protagonist's efforts
  • mystery phone calls
  • weapons
  • politics
  • forms of science and High-Tech gadgets that haven't been invented
  • a distant memory that holds an important part in the puzzle
  • a young intelligent protagonist who comes across information that they shouldn't have 
  •  fast paced action
Research into potential target audience:
The target audience we chose was people aged 16-25; because they are the age group that goes mostly to the cinema and of course we fall into that genre so making a film that would appeal to us and other people our age was what we wanted to create.

Looking into target audiences it was clear that different people or different ages like different types of thrillers, even different genders like different types of thrillers. For example a younger age group might prefer something more fast paced and bloody whereas an older audience might prefer more political and conspiracy type thrillers with little action but full of deceit and enigmas. Boys generally prefer action packed films; whereas girls might prefer something less action but something that will get their brains ticking. Who stars in the movie is also a factor as some actors are employed to attract a certain gender and also, depending on the actor, it could promote the film more because of their 'star status.'
To get an idea of what thrillers people like to watch we made a questionnaire which later expanded to an online survey on Survey Monkey. The questionnaire included questions such as: what was their favourite genre, last film they saw at the cinema and what they liked about it, if they would rather be the villain or the hero and why and lastly their worst fear. Hitchcock made films that explored many fears for example the fear of terrorism in ‘Sabotage,’ birds in ‘The Birds’ and the fear that someone normal can commit a murder in his most famous film ‘Psycho.’
Proposal as to how your project would appeal to the target audience and beyond:
This would appeal to the target audience (16-25) because of conventions such as fast paced action, scenes of suspense and that important macguffin. And maybe attract older audiences because of the mystery that surrounds the macguffin. What's on the memory stick and why does everyone want to obtain it? Guess you're going to have to wait for the opening titles for clues...

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